Friday, January 27, 2012

Marriage Of Hazrat FatmaWit Hazrat Ali

Dear friends to day was the day Hazrat Fatima was married to Hazrat Ali, I have tried to briefly give a picture of the occasion and the subsequent incident s. I have given references of books along with page numbers. How ever these are the historical events and taken from the reliable books, these matters are purpose fully made disputed .Fiqa – Jari has definite sources of in formations from Hazrat Fatima, Hazrat Ali ,Hazrat Hassan, Hazrat Hussain ,Hazrat Ali Ibne Hussain, Mohammad ibne Ali ,Jafar Ibne Muhammad, Musa Ibne Jaffar,Ali Ibne Musa, Mahammad ibne Ali,Ali Ibne Mohammad,Hassan ibne Ali and Imam Mehdi,Where as our Ahle Sunnat brothers after four Caliphs enter to muawwya the greatest enemies of Islam and Ahle Bait his son Yazid and then Marvan and his family and so on. So if any reader feels that his feelings are hurt I offer my folded Hhands to forgive me .My intension was not to hurt any body’s feelings.
Hazrat Fatima’s Marriage

To day is day first of Zilhaj when Hazrat Fatima –e-Zahara weds with Hazrat Ali .Hazrat Fatima was the only daughter of Hazrat Mohammad PBUH. She was mother of Imam Hassan AS, Imam Hussain, and Hazrat Mohsan, died during pregnancy, Hazrat Zainab and umme Kalsoom. She was born five years after Mehraj on 20th Jamad us Sani five years after Prophet declared his Risalat. The year of birth in accordance with the Aamul Feel was 46 and 615 AC. Hazrat Qasim, Abdulla and Fatima Zahra were born to Hazrat Khadija. This is disputed whether Hazrat Ruqqiyya, Umme Qalsoom and Zainab were the real daughter of Prophet of Islam. These girls were married to Kafirs Uttba,Uttayba (sons of Abu Lahab)and Abu Ul Aas bin Rabe. Hazrat Mohammad was a born Nabi even when Hazrat Adam was not created how he can marry his daughters to Kafirs. These were the daughters of Hala bint Kulaid sister of Hazrat Khadija.The name of their father was Abul Hind. Due to misunderstanding of Hala and Abu ul Hind these daughter were brought up by Hazrat Khadija. They were called the daughters of Hazrat Khadija. After the marriage of Hazrat Khadija with Prophet of Islam they were called the daughters of Prophet, similarly as Zaid bin Haris used to be called as son of the prophet. Hazrat Mohammad PBUH was married at the age of 25 with Hazrat Khadija who was said to be aged 40 years. Hazrat Muhammad declared his prophet hood at the ago of 40 years. Theses daughter were married before prophet pbuh declared his prophet hood. Within ten years, birth of one child and three daughters are said were born. Hazrat Khadija was 40 years of age when married to the prophet. And Hazrat Fatima was born when prophet was 45 years of age; they stayed in Mecca for eight years and ten years in Medina that means when Hazrat Fatima was born Hazrat Khadija was sixty years of age. This proves that when Hazrat Khadija was twenty eight years of age when she married Hazrat Mohammad PBUH.
Soon after Battle of Badar, people started asking proposals for Hazrat Fatima. Hazrat Abu Bakar was the first to ask for Fatima, Then Hazrat Umer asked for the marriage. The Prophet of Islam changed his face from them and said I am waiting for the order of God. Abdul Rehman bin Auf Auf had lot of gold that one thousand camel used to load it .besides three hundred people used to look after his business, besides he had one thousand servants and one thousands Ghulam. He asked the prophet for Hazrat Fatima and sent his message to the prophet that this will be Mehar of Fatima .Prophet went in to rage on listening this.
Hazrat Ali one day, went to the house of Umme Salma, the wife of Prophet and requested the Prophet for Hazrat Fatima. Hazrat Mohammad PBUH said just now Hazrat Jebraeel came congratulated me and informed me that Almighty Allah has performed Nikah of Hazrat Fatima With Ali on the Arsh –e-Muallah and seventy thousands Angles witnessed the Marriage and told me the message of Allah to marry your daughter with Ali. Ref Arje ul Matalb page 299,Sawaqe Muhaerqa Madaraj e Nubuwa second volume page 105,Zakhair ul Uqma page 31.Kanazul Amma vol one page 152-153.
Nikah of Sayeda
Hazrat Muhammad Asked Ali what do you have, Ali replied, “I have one Sword, One Camel and one Zira (protection).” Prophet said, “Sword in battle field is required and camel required for bringing water keep them and sell Zira.”Hazrat Ali sold the Zira and paid the Mehar. Hazrat Mohammad Asked Hazrat Bilal to Call for All Muhajreen and Ansaars to gather in the mosque. When all came to the mosque Hazrat Mohammad PBUH told the purpose of Coming of Hazrat Jeebraeel and conveying the order of Almighty. All the companions congratulated The Prophet.
Dowry of Hazrat Fatima
One dress one Hijab, One black sheet. Two Egyptian dishes, one filled with leaves of dates and the other containing lamb’s hair. Four Pillows. One camel Sheet, one cotton curtain. one Sheet (Chetai) One Chakki one wood stick. One mashak, one lota, one green color water pot. One Charkha and some pots of clay.
Hazrat Fatima Ki Rukhsati
The bride went on a Doli which was lifted by Hazrat Salman – Farsi at the back prophet of Islam also accompanied along with many of His companions. Thousand s of Maliyka also joined and Takbeer in louder voice. Prophet called for water and put his Lu abe Dehan in it sprinkled and on the chest of Ali(AS) ,and said Oh my God I hand over Ali and his Family to You to protect them from the Satan.
Walima Reception
Hazrat Mohammad PBUH advised to arrange Walima reception. Hazrat Saad Bin Abada brought one lamb and Hazrat Ali brought dates and Ghee and food was prepared. According to Jabar Bin Abdulla Ansari , He did not see a walima festival like this before.
Names of Hazrat Fatima
Fatima, Batool, Mubaraka, Muhhadisa,Z ahra,Razia.Marzia,Tahira,Saddiqa,
Fatima Zahra After Rasool – Kuda
After The Prophet of Islam difficult period came on the family of Prophet, Hazrat Fatima could live only for seventy five days after his father.No body came from the companions of the prophet to say few words consolation. All left the body of Prophet of Islam and went away to Sakifa fo choosing a Caliph. Only Hazrat Al arranged the ghusal, Fazal Bin Abbas uplifted clothes, Abbas and Qaasm changed the body of the Prophet, Usma and Sakran poured water on the body. Six people only offered Namaz-e -Janaza and was buried at the place where he breathed his last. Abu Talha made the grave for the Prophet.
Allegiance( Bait) from Ali For Hazrat Abu Bakar
When Hazrat Abu Bakar was elected Caliph at Sakifa three miles away from Madina.The first thing they did was to get allegiance fro Ali in favor of Abu Bakar.The people who avoided the allegiance were Zubair, Uttba bin Abi Lahab. Khalid bin Saeed, Miqdad bin Umer ,Salman Farsi, Ammar Yasir, Bara bin Azib, Abi ibne Qab, and Abu Sufyyan .These people in order to avoid allegiance collected at the hose of Ali. Hazrat Umer brought wood and said,” come out from the house other wise I will burn the house.Hazrat Fatima said Hassan and Hussain are in the house. But they demanded Ali out of house. The hose was set on fire. Hazrat Fatima shouted that only few days ago my father left this world and you people are showing such treatment. Hazrat Fatima rushed at the door the door fell on her and she lost her child Hazrat Mohsan and finally died after few days. According to Manarj –e Nabuat 4th edition page 42 after this they entered in the house and arrested Ali and took him to the court of Hazrat Abu Baker and was asked to show your allegiance .According to book Roza Tul Ahbab. Hazrat Ali asked,” what are you demanding from me and on what grounds you are asking allegiance, this will never happen. Hazrat Fatima came out of her house and said to them, “get out of my house other wise I will come out of my house ,bare headed and will seek help from almighty Allah.” Soon after Hazrat Fatima came to know that the Bagh-e- Fidak given by Prophet to Hazrat Fatima has been confiscated. She pleaded her case in the court of Abu Bakar and in witness produced Hazrat Ali, Imam Hassan, Imam Hussain and Umme Aimen .All the witness were turned out on the grounds that Ali is your husband and Hassan and Hussain your Children and Umme Aiman is Maid. Soon after Hazrat Umer and Abu Bakar approached Ali that we are sorry what we did, you allow us to meet Hazrat Fatima to apologies. She tuned her head and sworn upon God that she will never for give them. When she used to weep for her father people used to complain Ali that we cannot sleep as Fatima weeps whole night. Then Hazrat Ali took a separate house called Bait tul Huzzan, where she used to weep. Fatima Said I have so many miseries on me after the death of my father ,that if these miseries are made on days they will convert to nights .Bagh –e- Fidak remained in custody of Hazrat Abu Bakar and Hazrat Umer and in the period of Hazrat Usman it was given to Marvan who was son in law of the Caliph. From Marvan who was the greatest enemies of the family of prophet Fidak remained in his family, till the time of Hazrat Umer bin Abdul Aziz in the year 99 hijra retuned the Fidak to the family of Prophet. Then came the period of Abbasi Dynasty and Safah Abbasi also retuned the Fidak to the family of Prophet, After Safah Mehdi bin Mansur ,and Mehdi Bin Mansur also retuned fidak to the family of prophet. After Mehdi it was again taken back and at the time of Mamoon, he arranged a debate in his court to decide about the Fidak. Where it was decided in Favor of Ahle Bait. Four caliph returned the fidak to ahle bait,Umer bin Abul Aziz,Abu Al As Safah. Mahdi bin Mansur and Mamoon Rasid Abbasi.These four caliph had great regards for the first three caliphs and declared that the decision done by them was not based on justice.
In Sura Mubaila God accepted the truth fullness of Hazrat Ali, Hassan And Hussain that a Christian scholar said don’t do Mubahilla with these personalities I see their faces and if they will ask the hill to change its place it will change. But look at the attitude of the Shaba e Karam that they proved that these witness given by the very close family are liars. And not trust wordy. Hazrat Ali was Babe Madina tul IIm was not in the knowledge of this religious matter
Death of Hazrat Fatima
Hazrat Fatima got injured her abdomen resulted to miscarriage. She could only live for seventy five days after her father and made a will for Hazrat Ali to arrange my Gusal and arrange my burial, And also demanded that Abu Bakar and umar should not be called to attend my burial. She died on 3rd Jamadi Us Sani 11 hijra. She also willed that Hazrat Ayesha should also not attend Janaza .During Gusal Hazrat Ali felt that her abdomen was ruptured .The Books on the displeasure of Hazrat Fatima for the caliphs can be read Tapsser al Qari translation Bukhari chapter 12 page 18-21.translation Sahi-e- Muslim vol.5 page25,Roza tul Albabvol 1 page 434,Azalatal Kafa vol 2 page 57,Baraheen katea, translation Sawe Muharka pge 21.
Persons Who attended the Burial
The persons who attended the burial were Hazrat Ali, Imam Hassan, Imam Hussain, Hazrat Aqeel, Salman e Farsi, Abu Zar, Miqdad,Ammar Yasir and Bareeda.
Our eyes are filled with tears to see the brutality of the companions of prophet. We offer our condolence to the prophet of Islam Hazrat Ali and his Children.


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